Another step on the road to publication...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rock on nanowrimo

So... day 15, and I've just hit 27000 words. I can hardly believe it. I have never written this much, this fast in any challenge. I have found word sprinting is the go. For the uninitiated, set the time for, say, 30 minutes and just write. Type like a demon, scribble like a maniac, and do not stop until the timer bell rings. I'm averaging around 1000 words in each half hour sprint. The word count climbs quickly at that rate.

The story is stuttering and stumbling at times, but flowing like milk and honey at others. A LOT of editing coming up on this one, but at least it will there to edit.

Next goal is to hit 30000 words by tomorrow night - day 16.


Eleni Konstantine said...

Tannia - that's fantastic!!! Already you have beaten your personal best - so already one goal reached. Yay. Good on you for persevering and getting into the sprints - looks like that is they key.

Roll on 30K!!! And I can definitely see you achieving 50K!

Mon Wood said...

Congrats on getting so far. I've been sidetracked by other stuff, but it's good to see you're still kicking on.

Good luck!

Sandie Hudson said...

Tannia you're powering on with your writing. Not long now and the end of the month will be here. LOL.

BTW, I've nominated you for a blog award ‘I Love Your Blog’. Go to my blog and check out how it works.
